Welcome to our blog! Check in to see what our little sweeties are up to and how they are growing and changing.
On Saturday we celebrated with family. Grandma Sharon made Aidyn a Tinkerbell birthday cake and of course there were more presents....
One of the things Aidyn got was a Bella Dancerella Cheerleader set. She has been practicing her cheerleading everyday since then. Nolan has also been getting in on the action!
L to R: Eli, Carter, Noah, Sean, Alana
When it was time for cupcakes, I gave Aidyn her cupcake so everyone could sing Happy Birthday to her. As her friends sang to her, Aidyn proceeded to snarf down her cupcake. It was classic!
Nolan & Sean enjoying their cupcakes.
Aidyn got lots of very nice gifts. It was great to watch all the kids watching Aidyn open her gifts. They crowded in as close as they could get and there was commentary on everything!
Notice the look of love as Aidyn admires her beautiful new pony.
Aidyn also got many beautiful cards from her friends. Here is Lydia explaining the finer points of her card.
Aidyn had a great time at her party and is so lucky to have such wonderful friends. Thanks to everyone!!