Friday, December 01, 2006

Three's List

My friend Jill tagged me on this list. So here I am putting it on my blog. Enjoy.

Three's List

1. 3 things that scare me:
Losing a loved one. My children getting hurt. Messing up my job as a mom.

2. 3 people that make me laugh:
Ellen DeGeneres, Will Farrell, Steve Carrell

3. 3 things I love:
My family, My friends, Christmas

4. 3 things I hate:
Ironing clothes, house cleaning, Megan Mullally's talk show

5. 3 things I don't understand:
How they built the pyramids. How my iPod can hold so many songs. How a water softener works.

6. 3 things on my desk:
address labels, pictures from our wedding, messy papers

7. 3 things I'm doing right now:
Blogging. Listening to Aidyn tell Nolan what to do. Wondering what's for lunch.

8. 3 things I want to do before I die:
Watch my children grow into healthy, happy, well-adjusted people. Travel more, especially to Europe. Be a good example for my children.

9. 3 things I can do well:
Bake, Drive, Eat! (Not necessarily in that order...)

10. 3 things I can't do:
Beat Jeff in a game of Memory. Leave Halloween candy alone. Make lefse.

11: 3 things you should listen to:
Your body. Your children. Your mother. Oh, and Oprah.

12: 3 things you shouldn't listen to:
People who won't listen to your opinion too. Any Marilyn Manson CD's. People who bitch and moan about everything.

13. 3 things I would like to learn:
To paint, To sing, To make pottery.

14: 3 things I watched as a kid:
Hee-Haw, Mr. Kangaroo, Sesame Street

15: 3 things I drink regularly:
Water, milk

16: 3 favorite foods:
Pizza, Pasta, Chocolate

Anyone care to respond with their list?


jilldaisbrenne said...

well done! I always enjoy getting to know you a bit better Kitty Kat!! :-)

Allee said...

Okay - so I posted my Three Things also.

We haven't talked about this, but I TOTALLY agree with your dislike for the Megan Mullally show. I have yet to hear her contribute anything of substance to any conversation.

Allee said...

Also - Kitty Kat? Is this a nickname I don't know about?