Saturday, September 08, 2007

First Camping Trip

Yesterday we took the kids on their first camping trip. We decided to just go for one night to try it out. We picked a campground close to home in case of emergency(such as someone deciding they were afraid of the dark) and away we went. The kids were so excited and were ready to explore once we got there.
Last night we went for a walk around the campground and through the nature preserve. Where I come from we called it a slough, but whatever...

Nolan found some dandelions to pick.

We even tried our hand at Frisbee Golf, which we were not very good at. But hey, we tried!
We all had a great time and the night in the tent was pretty uneventful. When we left the campground this afternoon, Aidyn told us she wanted to stay there forever. I think it may have something to do with the roasted marshmallows but I can't blame her...they are TASTY!!!


The Tamarac Naturalists said...

I agree with Aidyn, roasted marshmallows are hard to beat and they only taste good on camping trips. I see a budding new girl scout in the future. As for Nolan, I am impressed with his interest in flora of the Minnesota plains.

Uncle Craig

jilldaisbrenne said...

Good for you guys. Glad the camping trip was a success.

Allee said...

Frisbee is hard enough.... and now having to aim it to a basket! At least you tried!

Looks like fun!