This weekend Shirley & the kids came to visit (Troy was apparently too ill to make the trip.) Any-hoo, as we were channel surfing, we came across the National FFA Convention being broadcast on TV. I'm sure it got HUGE ratings. We started discussing those flattering blue corduroy jackets we used to wear and pondering whether or not we would still be able to fit into them. We called Troy & he was convinced he would be able to get his both on AND zipped up. Well, check out his blog to see those results. I haven't talked to him this morning to see if he was able to get out of bed after throwing out his back straining to get that thing zipped up.
I knew exactly where my jacket was located and figured if Troy can do it, so can I. Shirley agreed to be the photographer and I tried my best not to pee my pants while we were taking these pictures. By the way, the flag background was Shirley's idea. I think it adds a whole new level of class to the photo. Here I am in all my FFA glory. Take it in people....
OMG - too funny!! Too bad I can't play along, but we didn't have FFA in Eureka.
Although - if my eyes aren't mistaken, yours actually looks slightly big on you! skinny minny!!
Okay, I didn't grow up on a farm..GASP! There is no jacket for me to get zipped, but I did have this cutie pie boyfriend in high school who showed pigs and went to farm meetings and county fairs and stuff?!? Maybe I could find his old jacket and make him put it on and take HIS picture for my to check our closets!!
Wow, FFA President...very impressive!
Danette, I will be waiting for Ryan's picture...I can't wait!!
You still look very presidential. I am sure your family is impressed. I like the flag bit. More American that way.
Keep up the fun.
3 things:
1) There is no reason Laurel can't zip hers up. I'm sure she's not the first pregnant FFA'er. To quote the FFA Creed "born not of words but of deeds"...."achievements won"...
2) Mom said "You look very presidential". To mine she said "Thanks for the laugh of the day" and "I'm glad the zipper held".
3) Regardless, Marty would be proud of all of us.
Troy D.
Again with the Mary comments, people... I'm still fighting morning sickness.
I would take Troy up on his challange, but my jackets are both still at home. (I also had the Sweetheart jacket. Which has nothing to do with the fact that I'm currently knocked-up, Troy. Achievements won. ha.) I don't think I would make such a gallant effort as some people to get it zipped. It looks better when you can see the tie anyway.
I'm curious to see what Jed comes up with, however... ...
Troy, I think it was the flag that did make it more presidential. Just watch all the politicians, there is always a flag close by. Try another round with the flag as your background. I will comment anew.
You all are serious funny! You make me laugh! Ryan has no FFA jacket's back home on the farm. His was the "cheaper" polyester version not the super nice velvety jackets of you ND folks. Also, KJ was president, Troy was president, Ryan was president as well...did they just call ALL members of the FFA President????
Wow - let's hear the creed recited. That used to crack me up!!
Wish I could join in on the fun! But I was not an FFA memeber. I was in uniforms there. Say....where is that old prom dress????
OK DeWitz's I will retrieve my coat from the farm I believe and show you a studly FFA picture!! I did get a laugh at work as well as my co-workers over Ty's pic.
Atta Girrrrl!!
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