Friday, May 08, 2009


Last fall I planted a bunch of tulip bulbs and hoped for the best. Well, they are finally blooming and they are awesome! I love seeing these colors in my yard.
And remember the apples trees we planted last fall? No? Well, never mind...I remember. Anyway, here is one of them full of beautiful buds. They survived the winter - YES!


mom said...

Beautiful flowers and good for the apple tree. They usally die on me. I love tulips. Mine are coming up but still not open. Your green thumb seems to be working.

Danette said...

Mmm...Homemade apple pie, apple crisp, apple cidar, and apple sauce. I bet you can't wait until the fall!

Josie said...

Yessss! I just pulled the first peach off the tree out back! Let's do an exchange!