Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I'm beginning to hate Tuesdays...

Tuesday - 2 weeks ago: Made emergency vet appointment for Bailey as she was having 'issues'. Turns out she had infected anal glands. I won't go into details but from this point on I will refer to this as Bailey's 'SA' (stinky ass). Ewwww..... So 1 hour, 40 miles, $$ worth of antibiotics and clean anal glands Bailey is on the road to recovery. I drop her off at home, make it to Pilates on time, get home and make dinner. Shortly after dinner Nolan has his kiwi spewing incident. Lovely.

Tuesday - 1 week ago: Jeff is forced to stay home from work as I am a big pile of crap suffering from the stomach flu. Ughhhh.

Tuesday - Today: Bailey has follow-up appointment for her 'SA'. Drive the 20 miles to the vet, pull into the parking lot and Aidyn says "My tummy hurts." She begins throwing up. Damn. Get her cleaned up a little, grab Bailey, leave kids in car, run Bailey in, hand her to the receptionist and say "Here's Bailey, she's here for her 'SA' re-check. My daughter is throwing up in the car, I'll be back in to get Bailey and pay in a few minutes." Run back outside. Run back inside and ask for some garbage bags. Run back outside. Console Aidyn and answer Nolan's 20 questions about throwing up. Run back inside. Bailey is with vet. I stand half in the exam room, half in the waiting room so I can see my car with my kids in it. Vet gives me the 30 second synopsis. "Bailey is better." Great, no more SA. Pay my bill, force dog into car, drive my sick child home and put her to bed. Try to convince Nolan that today would be a good day for a nap. Make jello. Update blog.

So this is the 3rd Tuesday in a row we've had the stomach flu at our house. I'm starting to wonder if maybe we shouldn't lick all the pews in church on Sunday. Jeff is the only one who has been safe so far. I'll let you know how he's doing next Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you didn't post pictures!!

Lisa said...

Oh Sissy, I would agree Tuesdays are not good days at all! Sorry! I hope everyone, including Bailey is completely well soon! Give Aidyn a hug for me!

jilldaisbrenne said...

Maybe you should just try to skip Tuesdays from now on.....

Allee said...

This doesn't help now, but have you ever tried going to a local vet? I know a good one for you...

Sorry to hear about the Tuesday effect. Hope you are all feeling better soon.