Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Random Thoughts

1. Thank you Starbucks, for coming up with an easy way to order a non-fat, sugar-free, cinnamon dolce latte. Now all I have to say is "I'll have a skinny cinnamon dolce latte." That will save me at least 3-4 seconds each time I'm at Starbucks. Very good.

2. We got Aidyn's kindergarten registration forms the other day. Aidyn beamed. I cried. (I really did.)

3. Nolan threw up for the first time last night. Instead of crying and being so upset that he was sick (like his sister is when that happens) he was so enthralled with the fact that he could see his food again. Today he's been reliving it by saying "When I throwed up, I saw my kiwi again!"

4. I don't really make New Years resolutions, but this year I want to try to use reusable bags when I go shopping in order to cut down on the number of plastic and paper bags I use. I bought some big shopping bags at Costco and used one for the first time today. I was a little worried about feeling like a dork when I used it, but the check-out lady was really nice. I said "I brought my own bag." "Great!!" she replied. Then she went on to tell me that Target is now selling reusable canvas bags and she bought some yesterday to try and start doing the same thing. Cool. It actually felt really good as I was unpacking my groceries. Now I just need to remember to put the bags back in my car so I have them for next time.

5. I'm getting tired of the writers strike. I really want to see some new episodes of The Office and Grey's Anatomy.

6. I'm kind of excited about the election this year. I have no idea who I'm going to vote for yet, but I love the fact the race is so tight within both parties. It keeps it interesting and keeps the candidates on their toes. I've been trying to figure out which candidate I align with the most by working on an online survey. It takes quite awhile to do so I just try to do a new topic each day. If you're interested in trying it out for yourself, it's at .

That's all I have to say now. I'm sure I'll have more ramblings another day.


Anonymous said...

Just so you know - I started the fabric bag trend in Buffalo 2 years ago. I'm pretty sure I was the "crazy lady who brought her own bags". :)

jilldaisbrenne said...

I like your random thoughts...a good glipse into your starbucks addicted, vomit enducing, eco-friendly, growing up, on the fence kinda day. All fun stuff (minus the vomit)