With summer drawing to a close and the school year about to start we've been busy getting in a few more fun summer activities. 2 weekends ago we finally made it up to visit our friends Corey & Ana. When I say 'made it up to visit' I'm talking about making the grueling 45 minute drive to their house. How sad is that?? Anyway, we had a fun day visiting, eating and tooling around the lake on the pontoon. Nolan & Aidyn were in charge of driving the boat...we eventually made it back to shore safely.

This past weekend we had our fantasy football draft (which I'd like to remind everyone that I won last season!!!) Any-hoo, the day after the draft we headed to the State Fair with our friends Shawn & Bridget. We spent the day cruising the fairgrounds, people watching and eating like pigs. On the list of fair cuisine this year were cheese curds, corn dogs, gyros, strawberries & cream, cookies & milk, mac-n-cheese on a stick and a new intro this year which I thought was quite tasty...homemade tater tots on a stick. They are shredded potatoes mixed with sour cream, cheese, chives & bacon all mixed together, battered and then fried. Great on the taste buds, hell on the arteries.
Here are Nolan & Kya enjoying a stroller ride through the fair.

The kids went on a couple rides. Aidyn picked the roller coaster (the kiddie version). It was their first time on a roller coaster and it went pretty well. Aidyn did have a look of "Oh crap, why did I pick this ride?!?!" But by the end of it, they looked like they were having fun. We were exhausted, filthy and about 80 pounds heavier by the end of the day, but it was another fun adventure to the Sate Fair.