Monday, September 22, 2008

The Pièce de résistance

We have been working on a landscaping project in our yard for 2 years. OK, OK, it's only been about 1 month, but it SEEMS like 2 years. Just look at all those damn rocks!
Here is what the area looked like before we started. There were some dead junipers under tree on the left that I pulled out a couple years ago. In the center you can see what was left of some rose bushes. There were 4 when we moved in, it was down to 2 scraggly sticks.
Around this evergreen were a bunch of 'past-their-prime' spireas. We pulled them out (that had to have been quite fun for the neighbors to watch!)
Then we started shoveling out the rocks. That job is a pain in the ass. There is no other way to describe it. It took us over a week to remove them, but they are finally gone!
After the rocks were gone, we pulled up the old weed guard, worked in some new garden soil and reshaped the area a little bit to make it more irregular. I don't do well with uniformity.
Then it was time to buy plants! I got several varieties of shrubs...Hydrangeas, Mock-Oranges, Barberry, Chrysanthemums. I also got a boat-load of perennials...Dianthus, Liatris, Black-Eyed Susan, Coral Bells, Coreopsis.
When it was time to plant, I called in some help. My brother Troy came to give direction. The large rock was the perfect perch for his rear end.
By the time we got it all figured out, Troy was tired and needed to take a break. At least we know I was keeping him hydrated.

With the plants in the ground it was time to mulch. While I worked on the mulch, Troy waited for one of the new apple trees to start producing. I didn't have the heart to tell him... it is again BEFORE:

I'm happy with how it turned out and am hoping that everything comes up strong, healthy and pretty in the spring. If I remember, maybe I'll post a picture next year when a few things are flowering. Chances are slim that I'll remember that though.
Thanks Jeff, Aidyn, Nolan and of course Troy for all your help!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Kristi looks really nice. I hope all your plants grow like they are supposed to. I am glad Troy was there to help you and direct you. It looks like you both did a great job.

Troy said...

For the true story, go to my blog spot. I was worked so damn hard that I couldn't even go inside to use the restroom.

Laurel said...

Wow!!! It looks great!! Nice before and after pictures! (I can't how huge your yard is!!)
What's the next big project you have lined up?

Sweeney said...

Is this the part where I have to give you a lecture on how dangerous it is to pull out trees/bushes by jerking on them with a pickup and a tow rope?

Danette said...

Sure looks like you quys have been busy! I think your efforts really paid looks great! Can't wait to see the spring/summer bloom! The picture of Troy "hydrated" really cracked us up!!!

Anonymous said...

KJ - what did you do with the old rocks? I could recycle them if you want to bring down to our place?? I need to bury some of my wifes planting areas to have less things to weed.. RO

dewitzclan said...

How about we make a trade - you come make our yard look like that and we will give you a pumpkin from Gavin's garage sale for free (we will even throw in free delivery). :-)

jilldaisbrenne said...

That looks great Kristi! Well done.