Friday, September 12, 2008


Things I would do for you if you are my friend/family/neighbor:
Cook you dinner
Watch your kids (even if they're brats)
Drive you to the airport
Help you move
Help you paint
Take care of your house while you're out of town
Go buy Pedialyte for your sick kids because you can't go to the store because you're covered in puke
Many other things, actually most anything you can think of...

Things I won't do for you no matter who you are:
Shovel your landscaping rocks


Anonymous said...

I hope you are taking pictures of your project. We need to see all the results of all your hard work. If we were there I would help you and I know your dad would even haul the rocks away for you if you wanted them gone. You will deserve something special when you have this all done.
Love U

Lisa said...

That is a pain in the aaaaars job!!! Which is why I buried mine with tons of lovely plant friendly dirt and then covered that with mulch!!!

Laurel said...

Ummm... should I ask?? A little landscaping project before winter? I'd love to see before and after pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Whine, whine, whine. Maybe your're trying to make me feel guilty because you've done all those things for me....I'll be there next weekend to help....for that, I better be fed well and boozed often.

Notice that of all the comments, I am the only one that said "I will help". Others just want to see pictures - I'll do the work. As long as it doesn't involve bending, lifting, grunting, or sweating - actually, any of those 4 can happen when I try to get off the couch.
Troy D.

Anonymous said...

You have done all of those things for us...what a sweet person you are. Good thing Troy is coming your way next week :) By the way, the kids would love to change the color of their room..any takers? Shirley

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Troy is going to work for you. That's what I want pictures of!!!!
Shirley, I would love to help paint the kids room next weekend, I'll bring my own paint.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. Jeff is leaving town. I am going to Mpls to work. While I am gone, Ty is coming to Fargo to "help" Shirley....hmmmm something's not right here. Oh, well. If he's offering to paint the kids' rooms when I am gone - go for it.

jilldaisbrenne said...

I'd like to offer Leif's services... he's proven to be really good at shoveling - as he just did 6.5 cubic yards of top soil!!

Well, truthfully he didn't do it all... I did do about .5 of those cubic yards.

Good luck honey. I'm anxious to see what you guys are up to!

Anonymous said...

If I made you OMG ribeye's with red wine and cowboy smashed taters would you come and help me shovel rock? We might do that next spring! We'd provide the spotted cow or pinot noir.... The kids could help? Flanny.

Sweeney said...

If I had a beagle and it chased a rabbit until it got caught in the fence and then proceeded to chew all the fur off the said rabbit...would you "remedy" the situation for me?

Anonymous said...

I would!!!