Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day

Hello Friends and Family!
Today is Earth Day. A day intended to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It's a day to look at what we are currently doing and what small changes we can each make to help save our planet. Not all of us are going to install solar panels on our house or start driving a hybrid car, but there are small things you can do to make a huge difference. Here are a few easy ideas...

Turn things off...lights, computers, TV's when they are not in use.
Unplug things...toasters, coffee pots, anything that doesn't need to be plugged in.
Wash your clothes in cold water.
Use a refillable water bottle instead of buying and tossing plastic ones.
Use reusable shopping bags instead of the plastic or paper bags from stores.
Take a shorter shower.
Turn the water off while you're brushing you teeth.
Lower you thermostat in the winter or set the A/C higher in the summer.
Change your regular light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs.
Run your dishwasher only when it's full.
Turn down your water heater thermostat.
Recycle, recycle, recycle...aluminum, plastic, paper, glass, cardboard.

There are so many things you can do to help. Here is my challenge to you...Pick 1, 2 or 3 from the above list or come up with your own ideas and leave a comment in the comment section to tell me what you're going to do to make a difference. Every little bit helps! We only have one Earth, please take care of it!

In case you're wondering, I am pledging to do all of the above things. Practice what you preach!


Anonymous said...

I will definetly turn the thermostat down. No problems there. Will decide the others later.

Anonymous said...

I was blog surfing and came across your site. Love the profile picture, bring on the wine! lol

jilldaisbrenne said...

Great job, what a responsible post. Here's my list of things we do:
1. We recycle like mad - almost compulsively. My goal is to only have one bag of garbage a week.
2. We compost food scraps and soiled paper products like napkins, etc... really helps to bring down the trash amount!
3. We got great new SIGG water bottles to reuse.
4. Leif takes the bus to work - about 2-3 times per week.
5. We use cloth shopping bags and reuse the plastic produce bags
6. Just bought a starter kit of gDiapers to try when the new baby comes. They are flushable or compostable.... no landfill required.
7. I pack kids lunch for school and make it 'Waste Free' as much as possible. Reusable tupperware, no plastic baggies, real forks, etc..
8. At McD, I order Happy Meals but tell them to skip the box. Isn't all that packaging a bit silly!?
9. I resue my coffee slip cover from Starbucks instead of always getting a new one every time I go - belive me, that adds up to alot of the covers!! :-0

I love getting good ideas of other ways to be more Green!

The Tamarac Naturalists said...

Great Post Kristi:

We are with you on this.

We are doing the following, but looking at doing more:

1. Changed many of our bulbs to compact flourescent.
2. Installed a more energy efficient propane water heater at the Lodge.
3. Recycle in Fargo, not available yet at the Lodge.
4. Installed auto light switch in my office in Fargo to turn lights off as soon as someone leaves the room.
5. Plans to reduce the number of cars we own by one in 2009 or 2010.
6. Sell our home in Fargo and size down to a townhouse or condominium.
7. Removing plastic water bottles completely and going only to real glass drinking vessels that can be rewashed.
8. Only turn on the dishwasher when it is full.
9. Only wash clothes when we have enough for a full load.
10. Reducing unnecessary driving ($3.50 gas makes that easier to decide).
11. Dropping the use of plastic bags and going only to paper.
12. Starting a movement to ban plastic bottles and encourage bottlers to re-institute the returnable and reusable glass beverage bottles we all knew as kids back in the 50's.
13. Encouraging our company to be "green" and they are, we are giving field personnel "hybrid" vehicles starting immediately.
14. Looking at buying an electric lawn mower which gives off now harmful emissions.
15. Selling all the boats, and buying a canoe (wait, no-we aren't doing that.)
16. Still thinking of others....

The Tamarac Naturalists said...

You know, I think you might be a serious threat to Martha Stewart.

Lisa said...

You are an inspiration and I must say in an ENTIRELY different and MUCH BETTER class than Martha!
Here's what we are doing to be more Green!
1. We installed a programable thermostat and it's set @ 68 in winter & 78 in summer.
2. The lightbulbs are being replaced as they go out with the compact flourescent ones.
3. We already use refillable H2o bottles and use tap through a brita filter.
4. Hot water heater is at a lower setting.
5. Paper instead of plastic and we reuse plastic we do get and I often skip the bag completely if it's just a little item.
6. Turn off computer and ligths when not in use.
7. Just signed up for the recycle bin available in our area yesterday.
8. Would love to compost and will look into that
9. Considering the reusable shopping bags.
Continue to explore more~

KJ said...

Excellent job Jill, Craig & Lisa!! So-so job Mom. OK, I know there are more of you who check this blog...tell me what your action plan is.

Anonymous said...

I love being a non-conformist....Earth Day is the only day of the year that I litter. JUST KIDDING Just wanted to let you know that I have taken it one step further and decided to not do dishes at all, gonna have to let you know how that one goes!
