This is as good as a picture that I could get of Nolan. His teacher said he seemed to enjoy himself, but you couldn't tell it from the look on his face each day.

Welcome to our blog! Check in to see what our little sweeties are up to and how they are growing and changing.
Aidyn has really been looking forward to the last day of preschool. Not so much because she'll be done with school, more so because it means she is now a Kindergartner. Only 3 short months until that bus drives away with my little girl on board...heading for Kindergarten. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.
Here is our big girl! She practiced a few times (after being grounded from her bike for 1 week!) and then this morning we went out to try and she just took off!!! She is so proud and excited!
We are not a racing family. We don't watch racing, we don't go to races...nothing against it, it's just not our thing. So when this happened on Sunday, we were a little surprised. Keep in mind, the only exposure Nolan has had to racing is watching the movie 'Cars'.
I had no idea who Joey was. Apparently, they mentioned his name on TV and Nolan took a liking to him. He knew which car was his and he cheered and cheered and cheered for his guy Joey. Sadly, Joey did not win the race. But he won a new fan and at the end of the day, that's all that really matters. (Don't tell that to the sponsors.)