Thursday, August 21, 2008

Humor and (Painful) Honesty from a 3 year old...

Nolan has been full of wisdom today. Some entertaining, some well... some hit a bit too close to home.

1. A random statement while riding in our car 'Our car is not a helicopter. It's really disappointing that we don't have a helicopter.'

2. While we were at the beach Nolan had to go potty. He was covered (EVERY square inch) in sand. As he pulled his pants down 'Look I have crumbs in my crotch!'

3. While he was rummaging though stuff in our bathroom he came across Jeff's deodorant. 'Sean has this stuff and he put some in my armpit. Sean wears it because he has really stinky armpits.'

4. He came charging into the bathroom just as I was getting into the shower. "Mommy! I don't like to see you naked.'
Me 'Why?'
Nolan (looking me up and down) 'Because THAT (pointing straight at me) is GROSS!'



Anonymous said...

Some of those attitudes will change as Nolan gets older. Especially the gross idea. Funny though as long as I am not the one he is talking to.

Danette said...

I'm very disappointed you guys don't have a helicopter too. Just imagine how quickly you could load up the kids and come to our house for a playdate and tea...or I mean cocktails. You would also need a designated copter driver!

Lisa said...

Oh man oh man! I have so much wisdom to look forward to!!!
Don't worry Sissy, you are beautiful!
My fave had to be crumbs in his crotch!
Love you all!
Auntie Lisa

Anonymous said...

i read this and laughed, sean read this and laughed, mom read this and laughed and then my dad read this and laughed too!
we love nolan! he is so innocent.

my favorite one would have be be when he said that sean was really stinky. -i've been trying to tell people that for years!!