Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Painful Truth

We had our spring conference with Aidyn's preschool teacher today. Everything is going well and her teacher said she is definitely ready for Kindergarten. However, she did have one thing she wanted to share with us.
A few weeks ago the class read a story about a little boy who is searching for the best place to read in his house. After story time the children were to draw pictures of where the best place to read is in their house. Aidyn's teacher had her explain the drawing that she did. She decided on my lap on the couch is the best place to read. So sweet! The teacher then asked her what all the 'circles' were underneath the couch. Aidyn explained to her that those are the giant dust balls that we have under our couch. Yikes! Children are so observant and so painfully honest.


jilldaisbrenne said...

Oh... looks like someone needs to do some spring cleaning!!

haha that's too funny

The Tamarac Naturalists said...

I know of a good cleaning service if you need one?

Anonymous said...

That is so funny, Kristi. I love those little kids and all the things they come up with. I bet those teachers go home laughing every day.

Anonymous said...

You should have a boy -- they don't notice things such as dust!! Trust me on this one -- just ask Nolan.

Sweeney said...

As long as they're still in the "dust ball" stage, once they become "dust bunnies" or even worse "dust rhinos"...then you have problems.